Event on: November | 10-11 | 2022
5th E-Meeting on
Polymer Science & Biomaterials
Theme : Focusing on New Trends to Nurture Future Directions
The polymer production process is quite interesting as it involves the bonding or joining of small molecules called monomers. The chemical reaction process that joins these monomers together is called polymerization. Some polymers occur naturally, while others are artificial, When molecules join in a repeated pattern to form a long chain of molecules, the resultant material is called a polymer. Polymers have varying properties that are distinct from one group to another, depending on the nature of the molecules being bonded. Some polymers are capable of bending and stretching (like rubber), while others are stiff and tough like glass. Everyday polymer products that we see every day include water bottles, car tires, stationaries, plastics, toys, and even ropes
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