Event on: November | 10-11 | 2022
5th E-Meeting on
Polymer Science & Biomaterials
Theme : Focusing on New Trends to Nurture Future Directions
Polymer rheology testing is the study of how the stress in a material or force applied is related to deformation and flow of the material. Polymer rheology testing is the study of how the stress in a material or force applied is related to deformation and flow of the material. Understanding the rheological properties of polymers through laboratory testing can help to optimize products and process conditions, thereby saving costs and minimizing potential waste.
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Related Tags: Polymer Rheology Congress 2022 | Polymer Rheology Congress in Australia | Polymer Rheology Event in London | Polymer Rheology International Summit | Polymer Rheology Meetings in USA | Polymer Rheology Research Workshop 2022 | Polymer Rheology World Webinar | Rheology and Material Science Workshop 2022 in Italy | Conferences on Polymer Rheology Applications | Polymer Rheology2022 Congress